An Interview With Author, Speaker, Misty Phillip

Tim Grahl, founder of once said,
There are so many things that go into a successful launch that you don’t even know about. Sure, you might absorb a few good ideas on Twitter and Facebook, and maybe a blog post or two. But that’s just the tip of a huge iceberg. What you can see is just the beginning.

Are you interested in getting a better idea about what you don’t know about book launches? Join us on Saturday, September 14th at 11 am at Lupe Tortilla to hear author Misty Phillip talk about  “The Keys to a Successful Book Launch.” Recently I sat down with her to find out a bit more about her approach to this subject.

One hurdle that some writers struggle to overcome is their discomfort with self-promotion. How do you deal with that?

I think if we shift our mindset from one of self-promotion to see that our writing is a gift we want to give others. Then we can look at a book launching as a gift we want to share with friends. We never know who may need to hear the words we have written, and if we don't tell them, then how will they ever know?

What can a writer do to prepare for her book launch long before she has even finished her book?
·      Have your own space online apart from social media for them to connect with you on a blog or website.
·      Offer a chapter for free as a download or some other form of lead magnet and begin collecting email addresses. 
·      Have professional photos made to use in a media kit, and for the back of your book. 
·      Begin compiling a list of quotes/material from your book that you want to share on social media. 

What are some common pitfalls to avoid?  
·      Begin with the end in mind.
·      Don’t overextend yourself physically or financially.
·      Know your limits.
·      Make a plan and stick to it.

Finally, I asked Phillip, what she enjoyed most about book launching. She explained that for her the best part is “connecting with authors and readers, and learning new skills.”

Interview By: Anthea Kotlan

Misty is the host of the By His Grace Podcast and author of The Struggle is Real: But So is God Bible Study. She loves encouraging women to seek Jesus, study the Word and grow in grace through the struggles of life.


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